Monday, October 2, 2017

Psychiatry is a tool of degradation instituted by sadistic psychopaths!

The psychiatrists are tragically sadistic monsters who consistently degrade the targets of their tyranny in order to attempt to create unstable emotional states of being which mimic mental illness. The accomplishments over a lifetime and potential of the victims of psychiatry are wiped out in eyes of the psychiatrists who concentrate on denigrating them in whatever ways possible. The terrorist US government and other governments worldwide give aggressive support to the psychiatrists with US federal agents and cops appearing to sadistically enjoy cracking down on the existence of psychiatric victims by organizing public ridicule campaigns and blacklists against them which lead to serious financial problems and social isolation. With the innocent victims of psychiatry generally being intellectually and emotionally intelligent people we see psychiatry literally being used to turn the society inside out as the best and brightest in society are often left broke, unemployed and homeless while the ignorant tyrants responsible for this enjoy great wealth and extravagant lifestyles!