Sunday, October 1, 2017

The commitment to Psychiatric Torture in the USA is unbelievable!

The commitment of the terrorist US federal government, state governments, cops, courts, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and other doctors and nurses who work with psychiatrists to torturing, crippling and murdering innocent Americans far exceeds the investments of all of the literal and imagined enemies of the USA in doing so. While decent Americans struggle to survive on a daily basis with many more than ever starving in the streets the monsters responsible for this tyranny are paid a fortune and live extravagant lifestyles. The satellite drone electronic torture, organized public ridicule campaigns, druggings with psychiatric poisons, railroading into the American Psychiatric Hospital Concentration Camp System, police harassment with beatings and false arrests, deadly blacklists and more abuses directed against innocent men, women and children continues around the clock across the USA. Swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings are as usual used to legalize this filthy tyranny with the insistence by the authorities that if the USA makes such injustices legal than the world must recognize this as the right thing to do. Overall this means the USA is the biggest tyrannical fraud in the history of mankind and always has been!