Sunday, March 4, 2018

"The realization that the US feds, cops, psychiatrists & their judges make up criminal 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' is shocking"

The consistent commitment of the US feds, cops, psychiatrists along with their personal judges to torturing and murdering good people remains as usual astonishing. As a matter of fact the realization that the entire US Department of Justice and American psychiatric community really are made up of incorrigible criminals is pathetic. These sociopaths actually work together to literally torture innocent people around the clock in order to set up cases against them and waste their lives with the deadly psychiatric interventions, which includes intentional stigmatization with falsified psychiatric diagnoses, electronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, and the mental hospital concentration camps. And all along the children across the USA and worldwide are taught these people are somehow exceptional people who stand on a moral high ground when instead they really have proven again and again and again to rank among the most unethical and ignorant barbarians who have ever walked the planet Earth. People who report on this are told they must be insane for telling the truth about this sad state of affairs due to anticipated retaliatory moves in the fake free and fake democratic country of the USA which is heavily invested with the psychiatric community in cracking down on equal opportunity initiatives!