Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"There is little if any actual concern for a person's real health care needs in the psychiatric system!"

Although psychiatrists often like to point out that they are medical doctors who actually went to medical school like other doctors you would never know this is actually true from observations of the careless and unscientific manners in which they practice their discipline. As a matter of fact psychiatrists consistently ignore real health care prevention, diagnostic and treatment needs of people in dealing with health care issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, infectious diseases and other illnesses. The psychiatrists are consistently tragically careless about taking good medical histories and ordering and evaluating comprehensive standard medical screening tests. People that send people to see psychiatrists generally show the same lack of regard for the real health care needs of victims of psychiatry. This all coupled with the inherently destructive nature of the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and other psychiatric interventions makes it appear as if psychiatrists are legalized guns for hire who assist powerful and wealthy sadists in destroying healthy competition by having less powerful and less wealthy people socially and financially ruined, crippled and murdered!