Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"The psychiatric system unmasks the USA as the worse demonic fraud in world history!"

There are many people who feel there have been many gross exaggerations dealing with the hype about how horrible the psychiatric system is. However, the problem is bigger than these people may think. Consider that the ethics and direction of the entire orthodox medical profession must be questioned due to psychiatry because after all the human brain certainly is the body's most vital organ and the medical profession has granted control over problems dealing with the brain to psychiatry whose practices are based on the tyrannical subjective whims of quacks. Furthermore, the pathetic manner in which psychiatry has been legalized in the USA and elsewhere makes it possible for anyone at any moment to be sucked into the torment of the psychiatric system whether or not they actually suffer from mental illness. Basically psychiatry is based on oppressive political ideologies which focus on brutal crackdowns on personal freedoms to control the public and greedy and unethical big business practices which feed the whims of such horrifying political ideologies. The wide acceptance of psychiatry across the USA has shown the nation is a demonic fraud which feeds off of the widespread infliction of extreme forms of human pain and suffering while all along insisting the nation is a civilized and progressive nation with the best interests of the people in mind! MandelNews.com