Friday, January 11, 2019

"The USA is a brutal Psychiatric Police Terror State!"

The psychiatric drugs are toxic poisons which are being sadistically prescribed by psychiatrists to painfully cripple and kill perfectly sane human rights activists and people who could benefit from humane natural mental health care. The psychiatric diagnoses themselves are based on the subjective whims of the psychiatrists and the psychiatric drugs do not actually target any specific illnesses. Basically the chemistry in people's brains are being dangerously experimented on each time they take one of these poisons in as risky a manner as when someone takes LSD. The myriad of potentially painful and dangerous side effects from these drugs include suicidal and homicidal ideation and intent. Yet the feds, cops and psychiatrists themselves along with support from their personal judges consistently catastrophically ruin lives by insisting their victims take these poisons to go to school and work which simply totally undermines their capacity to do any work well if at all. Ultimately most victims of this abusive drugging scheme end up being further tortured in the mental hospital concentration camps which have no diagnostic or therapeutic value. Basically therefore the USA is a brutal Psychiatric Police Terror State which uses satellite drone electronic warfare to help enforce this tyranny and which thrives off of the mass torture and murders of innocent men, women and children!