Tuesday, April 16, 2019

"The fascist US government & psychiatrists brutally punish human rights activists for criticisms of the American psychiatric system"!

As a manifestation that the USA is a complete fraud which has absolutely no respect for personal freedoms, democracy, a free press and equal opportunity among other human rights the fascist US government and likewise fascist psychiatrists brutally crackdown on dissent. The veiled threats of total annihilation of one's vital interests in retaliation for blasting the US government endorsed psychiatric system turn out to be the real thing. Families are split apart with crooked agents luring members into dangerous illicit drug use and adultery, academic pursuits are sabotaged with intentional misinformation dealing with exams, careers are undermined with dissemination of filthy slander and blacklists, financial interests are ruined with intentional mismanagement of funds, and arrest records along with civil and criminal records are created with false arrests and fixed cases in retaliation for candid and accurate criticisms of the American psychiatric system. The overall general health and mental health of the innocent targets of this brutality are also torn apart with allegations of mental illness coupled with the highly destructive psychiatric interventions. And so while nevertheless continuing to insist the USA remains a great nation where reforms are always on the horizons due to a deep respect for peaceful protest and basic human rights, nevertheless there are no guaranteed freedoms to enjoy for whistle-blowers about wrongdoing in the psychiatric system once they find themselves beaten down, disgraced and left to rot half naked on the street corners of America's dangerous inner city ghettos or wasted in the nation's mental hospital concentration camp system or slaughterhouse prisons!»>http://www.mandelnews.com