Sunday, April 14, 2019

"The USA is a terrorist regime which uses power & extreme wealth to create & enforce mental illness"!

While investing very heavily in propaganda insisting the USA is a humanitarian nation with a strong commitment to the overall mental health of its citizens, the nation nevertheless is a brutal terrorist regime which is covertly heavily invested in controlling the everyday person with the infliction of extreme forms of distress. Intense satellite driven electronic warfare aimed into the brains of men, women and children, intentional psychiatric stigmatization, the highly toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, police beatings and false arrests, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps with more drugging, beatings and other abuses and cruel blacklists with the creation and enforcement of deadly financial problems are among the methods of madness instituted by the terrorist US government, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, many other doctors and nurses, psychiatric court judges and many other powerful and wealthy entities across the USA in the manufacturing of mental illness. Both innocent people who have suffered from mental illness which is in fact generally responsive to humane natural mental healthcare and targets of this filthy tyranny who never suffered from mental illness have very little hope of healthy, happy and productive lives in this system of chronic abuse!»>