Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Medical Schools Being Used As Psych Slaughterhouses To Murder Young Men And Women

There is one location where many young men and women from wealthy families discover what it is like to be treated as poorly as poor street people who have been chosen to be exterminated by the establishment. This location is the medical schools which are used as Psych Extermination Centers by wealthy donors who want a legal manner in which to have their sons or daughters murdered. The psychology behind why so many wealthy families want to kill their sons and daughters, who are clearly very intelligent, is complex and can deal with factors such as bitterness over the aging by parents to brutal competitiveness wherein many mothers and fathers do not want their sons and daughters beating them at the game of acquiring money and power. What happens is that only those students in the medical scheme chosen for the fast path to success and wealth by families and other sponsors with more enlightened ideas about health care and life are treated well in medical school. These select students are "quietly" given copies of old exams which are repeated yearly and which makes things so easy for them in their basic science years they can go off fishing or SCUBA diving and have Hollywood styled glamorous affairs most of the first two years of medical school. The other students who are chosen to be beaten down and ruined are not given this advantage on exams which are graded on a curve and are told to study texts which are thousands and thousands of pages long over and over again or else! Than in their clinical years the students chosen for an easy path to success are given light clinical rotations with nice on-call quarters, pleasant, sexy nurses to help them out, and advice to relax "doctors". The other students chosen for extermination are run like animals all night long doing scut work in inner city ghetto hospitals and again intentionally mislead about what to study for exams. The medical students chosen for an easy time in medical school and for successful careers rally behind bullying campaigns against the other students knowing they too will be placed on the extermination list if they talk about or protest this and do not go along with this corrupt and brutal scheme. It is almost impossible for the medical students chosen to be driven into suicide or to drop dead from overwork and stress to make it in the orthodox medical profession even if they survive this ordeal and graduate because their own professors and other colleagues intentionally put them down as suffering from serious mental illnesses in order to take the position mental illness was at the heart of their problems in medical school instead of a poor medical education. And the psychiatrists than move in whenever possible to sap the motivation of these young doctors with psychiatric drugs which are poisons and which are used to mimic schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder. And all along the pathetically incompetent and sadistic FBI agents and police ignore these irregularities and lets this all go on and on since the taxes from the wealthy families involved pays their inappropriately  high salaries.