Friday, November 12, 2010

Psychiatric Holocaust Continues Across USA

Today as usual millions and millions of Americans are suffering and fighting to survive on the fringes of society because they have had the horrible misfortune of seeing America's like-minded diabolically insane psychiatrists. The American psychiatrists have demonstrated an emotional lack of capacity to feel for their victims and an intellectual lack of capacity to ascertain that in the name of humanity actions should be taken to correct this problem. It could not be clearer that the American psychiatrists are involved in massive eugenics campaigns and based on their own self-centered and subjective ideations are using their tragically abusive powers to try to completely ruin everyone they deal with in efforts to make them dependent upon them and to make them struggle in the welfare state they have helped to create across the USA. Their lack of morale and social responsibility is absolutely reprehensible. Most of the tens of millions of victims of American psychiatry would be doing very well in school, at work, with their families, financially and socially today if they had not seen psychiatrists. And all along the American psychiatrists have been working with the FBI and American police to literally attempt to torture their victims into states of insanity with ridicule, badgering, and cruel blacklists and have been creating more victims of modern day sadistic torture than any nation in world history has seen. This is tragic with the American Psychiatric Genocide Scheme representing the blackest mark in American history.