Monday, April 18, 2011

American Psychiatric Drug Cartels Making A Killing

Business has never been better for the Wall Street psychiatric drug cartels. The stakes are high with profits higher than the killer Mexican drug cartels and with the fall out being just as serious. Men, women and children who once had great promise in life are found with their wrists slit, hanging from their balconies, dead from suicides with gas in their own homes, bloodied up from head on collisions and more secondary to the biochemical disruptions in their normal brain chemistry which all of these drugs cause. And the killer psychiatric firms which market these poisons can not lose because as soon as one of these pills of death is taken the victims of psychiatry get so sick they are labeled as being chronically mentally ill and told they will need more and more of the same poisons which got them sick in such manners to get better. It is a tragedy come true on the planet. The horror scenes get worse with once nice mothers seen chopping their kids up in the bathtub from the deep depressions set off by these poisons, with once mild mannered men going on shooting sprees at local pubs from the trauma set off in their brains by these poisons, and with school kids being thrown into manic rampages and shooting up their own classmates as they become someone different from these poisonous intrusions into their sensitive brains. And all along the diabolically insane psychiatrists who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in health insurance and welfare schemes from prescribing these poisons keep insisting their victims are sick when they are in drug free healthy states of mind and well when they are dying in frantic states like rabies infected dogs from these poisons.