Friday, April 15, 2011

US Military Heavily Invested In Psychiatric Tyranny

The use of psychiatry and psychology to crack the minds of the targets of their aggression is not simply a serious human rights issue in dealing with prisoners of war when dealing with the U.S. military establishment. The U.S. military establishment has also been using its know how to use psychiatry and psychology to destroy civilians across the United States. Sometimes this is done in retaliation for public criticisms of overseas U.S. military campaigns in such controversial wars as Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. And sometimes this is done in dealing with petty personal matters such as a military commanding officer or veteran who wants a young man's career destroyed because he had an affair out of marriage with his daughter or divorced his daughter. Other motives for setting off this type of horrible abuse are a military person who wants someone elses girlfriend or wife and to cover-up for wrrongdoing which someone else knows about. The US federal agents and police assist with the abuse spiral which follows which involves electronic surveillance and torture, public ridicule campaigns, cruel blacklists, kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, intentional misdiagnoses of serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and heavy druggings with mind-altering psychiatric drugs which are actually poisons by the like-minded diabolically insane American psychiatrists who work alongside the U.S. military, federal agents and police in implementing this tyranny. These type of life threatening human rights abuses have been directed against people in every walk of life across the USA including dissident lawyers and doctors.