Friday, April 1, 2011

US Justice Department and American Psychiatrists Rallying Family Members and Friends To Help Dispose of Sane Social Activists

The purely trash psychiatric texts state that histories from family members and friends are generally important to help diagnose someone with bipolar disorder. This is a completely unscientific premise which has nevertheless helped the psychiatrists make a fortune as they work alongside the US government to rally family members and friends against sane social activists who decide to explore new horizons in life. This is really pathetic because the basic freedoms of freedom loving people whose new experiences in life are generally actually very healthy for the development of their minds and which could help them become great successes in life in whatever they do are instead brutally crushed. In fact the victims of this tyranny are often very well educated and well travelled and are hit with further damages to their reputation in the American society from slander from the FBI when they begin justifiably asserting that the USA is no less oppressive than Communist China, when in fact the psychiatric mental health care system in the country is actually far more oppressive than the social and legal system in even Communist China. What happens in such cases is that perhaps a young man from a small town in Pennsylvania is fortunate enough to have the money to make it to Hawaii for a summer vacation in college where he has a rapturous Hawaiian styled sexual affair like he or nobody else he grew up with ever experienced. The fanatics working for the FBI who have the entire nation under satellite surveillance become concerned this person will shake up small town America by insisting life is better on Waikiki beach and their agents play up on the jealousies of family members and friends to say this person must be suffering from bipolar disorder since he never had an affair like that back home. And actually this is just the way things happen with perfectly normal people in tropical places like Hawaii. This all gets even worse if someone with such adventure in their blood wonders off to foreign countries like Japan or Thailand where the customs and ways of life differ dramatically from the United States and where what is considered the norm sexually may be looked upon as unusual in small town America.