Thursday, June 16, 2011

Junk Psychiatric Testing and Diagnoses

The orthomolecular psychiatrists such as Dr David Hawkins who has practiced in New York state and other psychiatrists have been taking blood samples in filthy little labs under unsterile conditions to test for so-called rye allergies. They claim rye allergies are associated with schizophrenia. This test is nonspecific with a lot of false positives. Furthermore there are no actual biological markers for what the psychiatrists label as schizophrenia and the other psychiatric diagnoses. And psychiatrists at McCleans hospital at Harvard and elsewhere have been subjecting frightened people who are not well rested to electroencephalogram (EEG) testing in filthy little dark rooms. These EEGs are also very nonspecific with a lot of false positive results. The electrical activity of the brain which EEGs test for is affected by how well rested someone is, whether or not they have been outside in the fresh air recently, drugs, how well they have eaten on a given day, whether or not they have had time to relax recently, and electromagnetic interference in the environment. Furthermore, the American feds and cops have actually been zapping sane social activists who are primarily, but not always, poor, in the brains with intense satellite transmitted electromagnetic waves in order to disturb the electrical activity of their brains prior to having them subjected to EEG testing. Other psychiatrists, such as the kingpin of ruthless ignorance and brutality and swift, fixed civil court orders to legalize his tyranny, in Houston, Texas, Dr Theodore Pearlman, do not bother making pretend any actual tests which are specific for mental illness exist as diagnoses are instead made in a moment based on fictional stories and swift obsevations with no efforts to take proper histories or to do any type of medical exams.