Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sadistic US Feds Endorse Treacherous Texas Styled Psychiatric Hospital Railroading Maneuvers

There are tens of millions of Americans whose lives have been completely destroyed and who could have otherwise lead productive and happy lives if they had not been railroaded into the nations mental hospital concentration camps. The US feds and police endorse and encourage this painful and often life threatening activity in the government and private sector in a nation gone insane from an addiction to its own chronic sadistic mental health care human rights abuses. Most of the targets of this brutality could have benefited much better from an afternoon on the beach, a swim, a walk by the lake, some fishing or some golf to simply unwind. Instead they are targeted for psychiatric hospital railroading procedures based on filthy lies and other misrepresentations which the state and federal lawmakers have been allowing to continue. Things are so bad professional or business competitors or simply someone who wants the guy next doors cute girlfriend or wife for himself can set up someone for psychiatric torture with promises of a luxurious Texas styled vacation in a 5 star hotel in Houston with swimming pools, barbecue buffets, courageous Texas cowgirls at a dinner show and all of the other trappings of Texas oil money successes. The target of this tyranny may also be told there will be interviews in Houston for new and more lucrative career opportunities and to just pick up the airfare on American Airlines and the reservations will be waiting at the desk of the Houston Marriott Hotel. When this person gets off of the American Airlines flight heavily armed 6'2" Texas state agents hit him from behind with a syringe of knock out drops and have him kidnapped to the Humana Mental Hospital concentration camp in Houston which is associated with the University of Texas School of Medicine. The victims of these abuses are in such shock from all of this coupled with handcuffings, isolation chambers and being drugged up with heavily toxic psychiatric poisons such as neuroleptics and lithium upon arrival that an intentional misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia is thereafter easy. The greedy and highly unethical psychiatrists, such as the leader of the pack in Houston, Dr Theodore Pearlman, who has been profiting from this kind of tyranny for decades, insist all of this is part of a good mental health care program. To finish off these abuses the victims are dragged downstairs beaten and drugged up to swift, fixed mental health care courts where crooked local county judges can order them held in the hospital or Texas for outpatient psychiatric treatment for as long as they desire with no sworn in testimony and no juries. The same type of abuses also occur daily in the other states across the United States. And all along the FBI and US Attorney Generals office look upon all of this as perfectly legal while insisting there are simply no laws in the entire USA against this and they sadistically use these kangaroo cases to completely ruin the careers and lives of its victims if they survive all of this even when it becomes clear in most instances they were never mentally ill and they have not been in violation of any serious if any criminal law codes.