Monday, October 24, 2011

American Psychiatric Tyranny Rates As Most Brutal In The World

Psychiatric tyranny across the United States as enforced by the nations psychiatrists and the federal and state governments ranks as the most brutal and unethical in the world. Even the Communist nations of China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea have not invested so heavily in devising a scheme of using psychiatry to crush dissent while controlling the thoughts, minds, and actions of people so efficiently. In fact the only real criteria to be an American psychiatrist in this era is a firm commitment to enslavement, torture and slow murder of the arbitrary targets of psychiatric cruelty in the nation with their long years in medical school simply serving as a front for their final goal to clean up financially off of chronic quackery and treachery. A consistently more criminal U.S. government by the day which is fixated on its self-proclaimed right to be the only justified mass torturers and murderers in the United Nations has been using satellite transmitted high energy waves to blast the brains of alleged social and political dissidents to mimic mental illness in them and to run them down and cripple them if they refuse to take the psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics and lithium, when not under court orders to do so, which are used for this purpose. Perfectly healthy men, women and children who are doing just fine at work and in school are pushed out of work and school daily with the use of such treachery coupled with government organized public bullying and ridicule campaigns in order to be told they are incapable of functioning well at work and in school so they can be placed on the psychiatric killer drugs which finally actually cripple them. The U.S. government working with the American psychiatrists also uses this methodical butchering of its targets of generally unprovoked sadistic aggression to drive families into poverty and split up marriages so they can insist that the divorces which they are actually directly responsible for are signs of mental illness. This scheme of Americanized psychiatric tyranny has been serving as a model in other nations worldwide which have found this all to be a very clever manner to insist their nations respect and admire democratic reforms and free will while nevertheless brutally cracking down on all democratic freedoms and free will in such manners with the psychiatric weapon of brutal destruction.