Friday, October 21, 2011

The U.S. Government and Orthodox American Doctors Endorse Psychiatry's Sadistic Crack Down on Normalcy

In spite of the fact that the diagnoses of psychiatrists are unscientific, their mental hospitals are brutal concentration camps which have no diagnostic or therapeutic value, and their drugs are all highly toxic poisons which mimic mental illness and worse the U.S. government and orthodox American doctors endorse psychiatry's sadistic crack down on normalcy. What the greedy, unethical and diabolically insane psychiatrists together insist are salient signs of mental illness, such as simply being nice and friendly to other people, enjoying a healthy amount of sex between consenting adults, legal sexual exploration of a nature which has intrigued mankind for thousands of years, legal gambling, wearing colorful and bright clothing, dramatically expressing one's anger over such issues as oppressive economic and social conditions in a nonviolent manner, dramatically expressing one's feelings about the world around them in writing, working hard and long hours, relaxing as long as possible on the beach, by a lake, or some other nice place whenever possible, and enjoying healthy and nutritious food at large buffets, are all actually signs of normalcy for many people throughout history. Most orthodox medical doctors, all of whom have taken courses in psychiatric quackery in medical school, endorse this sadistic crack down on normalcy as manifested by the fact that they often refer people to psychiatrists and help fix swift civil mental health care court proceedings against the targets of psychiatric tyranny across the United States daily. And the entire U.S. government consistently displays its actual distaste for a free and democratic society along with the U.S. Constitution by endorsing this tyrannical quackery and the methodical torture and slow murders of the victims of the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" on a daily basis.