Wednesday, October 12, 2011

US Government Encourages Mental Health Human Rights Abuses as Far Away as China

In a simple twist of logic which now has focused attention on the United States as the leading mental health care human rights abuser nation in world history, it has been the US intelligence agencies which have been encouraging foreign nations to undermine the human rights of the victims of psychiatry. There are reported cases of the CIA, with backing from the FBI in foreign embassies and consulates, maliciously and sadistically pulling the rug out from under the vital interests of overseas Americans who are perfectly sane, law abiding, well educated and ambitious but who have had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists, either by mistake of their own free will due to being lied to about the goals of psychiatrists or via brutal force for huge profits as often happens within the framework of "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death." Consider the case of a young well mannered and well accomplished legally licensed New York state physician who was stalked by CIA agents when he spent his own money to go to China to study and work. Upon arrival in China the CIA agents followed him around and having had on record that the physician was an activist who was fighting the use of psychiatry to crack down on individual rights, instead of to prevent and heal mental illness, the CIA agents insisted this physician was manifesting signs of serious mental illness when he showed up socializing at a cocktail lounge in Beijing. The CIA agents requested that the Chinese agents kidnap this physician and throw him into a mental institution in Beijing, instead of allowing him to study Chinese medicine and teach in China. This physician had turned on psychiatry after having made the terrible mistake of consulting with psychiatrists about his career interests at the genesis of his career feeling they would help his interests, but only to discover they kept making him sick with careless misdiagnoses and toxic drug treatments. And all along of course the CIA and FBI knew the Chinese mental hospitals are actually concentration camps, just as they are in the United States. On other occasions CIA agents have asked Chinese agents to lure decent American men into affairs with sexy women with questionable characters in order to set them up to be thrown into mental hospitals in China based on associated false allegations of mental illness. The CIA and FBI have also requested that other nations, such as Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Great Britain, Thailand, Singapore, Costa Rica, Brazil, Russia, and others refuse to allow highly well credentialed and actually perfectly sane and law abiding Americans who have shared the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists to study and work in their countries. The American psychiatrists of course claim they do not endorse such brutal and costly human rights abuses, when in fact they work right alongside the CIA and FBI to institute such archaic policies of mental health tyranny which are aimed at railroading its victims into poverty, out onto the streets and into mental hospital concentration camps since they are confronted with the same cruel treatment in the United States. The bottom line is that in spite of laws in the United States which are supposed to protect people from such discrimination because they have had the great misfortune of seeing psychiatrists, the CIA and FBI, along with the US Department of State which works alongside these agencies, have developed a cruel government within a government which acts independently of American laws and which arrogantly supports and enforces policies of psychiatric genocide to be directed against the victims of the highly lucrative "American Psychiatric Killing Machine." And although the lawmakers and judiciary see this happening around them daily they have not been doing anything to try to put a stop to this tyranny.