Saturday, October 13, 2012

An e-mail to the Libertarian Party

Dear Libertarian Party,
I just received information in the mail from you and I have held onto it. I want to read more about what the Libertarian Party stands for.
In the meantime, I want to direct a highly controversial question to you which leading Democrats and Republicans have refused to address directly in their dealings with me for decades.
What is your position on mental health care human rights? I do understand that with all of the tragic problems we are being confronted with in this era dealing with the worse economic crisis in modern history and rising rates of hard crime and terrorism along with lingering serious problems in the Middle East and elsewhere worldwide this may appear out of line to suggest the issue I am raising should be on a national political agenda.
However, to the scores of people victimized by psychiatry this is not a ridiculous issue. If you do not recognize the full legal rights of these people to begin with than all of these other issues have no meaning to them since these people are essentially being dealt with as if they are subhuman entities with no place for them within the infrastructure of what makes our country and our world run on a daily basis. I see no place in the U.S. Constitution or in any Supreme Court rulings, since the disgraceful Dred Scott decision, which says that any citizens of the United States are to be dealt with as if they are worth less than other citizens.
The psychiatric diagnoses to begin with have absolutely no credibility from a scientific perspective and yet the courts use these fictional labels to stigmatize and ruin people's careers and lives with a legalization of psychiatric tyranny. This raises some very serious questions about the civil mental health court proceedings across the country, which I view as kangaroo court proceedings which have no juries and no sworn in testimony. 
First, why have all 50 states been allowed to legislate such disgraceful proceedings into law. Second, why is it we must take the position that in dealing with what is referred to as an independent judiciary we have no legal rights to act against county judges who profit from presiding over these sham cases daily. Is it supposed to be the position of our lawmakers that judges are simply allowed to do whatever they want on the bench, which is what these judges are doing? 
This means the county judges and psychiatrists, with support from the states, have set up mini-feudal states across the country which simply administer what they refer to as justice and the law in any manners they desire with no concern for the constitutional rights of the people in their communities and with no concern for U.S. Supreme court rulings which consistently have set legal precedents against such blatant violations of people's human rights in this era. And this situation therefore makes our country a fraud which preaches democratic values, free enterprise with equal opportunities for all, justice and human rights around the world, while denying these fundamental rights to scores of its own citizens daily. 

Harold Mandel, MD

Dr Harold Mandel Online

The Harold Mandel, MD Natural Mental Health Care Reform Association