Monday, October 29, 2012

The Pharmaceutical Firms Which Make Psychiatric Drugs and Psychiatrists Are Lying About Everything

Apparently the pharmaceutical firms which make the toxic psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics, lithium, the antidepressants and abilify, and the psychiatrists, claim people can beat the stigmatization of mental illness by taking their drugs. That is pure propaganda. First, when the side effects from these drugs are so bad, people can beat the stigmatization where, in the intensive care unit or prematurely in a grave! Second, these drugs actually do not target real illnesses the diagnoses of which have no biological markers to begin with and so how does one justify taking such huge risks with these toxic agents when the risk/benefit profiles are so poor and natural interventions with no toxic side effects have been consistently shown to work very well for mental health care. Third, the pharmaceutical firms and psychiatrists themselves adamantly refuse to offer good jobs with proper treatment and pay for the targets of their own interventions, meaning they are simply tyrannical entities who are lying to the public about all of this, as they profit greatly from the pain and suffering they consistently inflict people with.