Friday, October 5, 2012

The Reverse Code of Ethics of Jefferson Medical College Has Been Endorsed Nationally

Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has made it clear for decades there has been a reverse code of ethics dealing with honor codes. Under honor codes in colleges you can be expelled for failing to turn in students who cheat. At Jefferson Medical College the staffs and students have been ganging up on whistle blowers. Whistle blowers have been intentionally mislead about what material to study for exams and graded down on clinical evaluations. They have also been intentionally misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, set back in medical school, blacklisted if they get their MDs and a medical license, locked up by the police, kept under surveillance their entire lives, drugged with toxic psychiatric poisons, thrown into mental hospital concentration camps and pushed into poverty to be thrown out into the streets to starve. Other medical schools across the country have endorsed this abusive behavior by Jefferson in dealing with whistle blowers regarding wrongdoing in medical education and also in the provision of health care and mental health care. A sister medical school of Jefferson which has set up across state lines luring and kidnapping schemes to hit whistle blowers is the University of Texas School of Medicine, due to the reputation of Texas judges to corrupt the system with brutality of this nature directed against whistle blowers. Other medical schools and medical centers which have joined in the cruel and life threatening blacklists of the perfectly well credentialed and competent targets of this tyranny are the University of Hawaii Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, UC Davis School of Medicine, Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona, Temple Medical School, New York University Medical School, Cornell University School of Medicine, Suny Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, and Orlando Regional Medical Center in Florida, among others. In fact it appears every medical University in the United States and other teaching medical centers may endorse this tyranny. Furthermore, the US feds and states have consistently allowed this to go on and have victimized the victims of this treachery instead of opening up criminal investigations of offending parties, implying the big money behind the organized orthodox medical community has far more control over the entire infrastructure of the United States than is apparent on the surface.