Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Criminally Insane US Feds Working With The American Psychiatrists Have Been Using Drone Warfare Against American Citizens

Criminally insane U.S. feds have been using drones to arbitrarily zap decent, sane and law abiding activist citizens, poor people and others in the brains with electromagnetic waves aimed at having them do and say irregular things. The targets of this tyranny are thereafter beaten up by the police and charged with criminal misconduct and/or mental illness. The psychiatrists go along with this and insist these people are even sicker than they thought if they mention cyber attacks on their brains by their own government as being responsible for their alleged mental health problems. This leads to drugging with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs which mimic mental illness and worse. Furthermore, if the targets of this tyranny survive being thrown in the death chamber jails and mental hospital concentration camps they are hit harder than ever with ongoing drone torture campaigns and associated blacklists of their vital financial interests if they speak up about these and associated abuses. The USA has therefore become a highly sophisticated and tyrannical Psychiatric Police State where most of the people do not even have freedom of their own thoughts and emotions!