Saturday, April 18, 2015

Psychiatrists & The US Department of Justice Torture People Into States of Serious Illness by Not Allowing Them To Earn A Living Doing What They Do Best

Psychiatrists consistently manifest an unusually strong capacity to torture people psychologically in such serious manners that the results leave their victims appearing to be mentally ill. A particularly successful area of painful torture by psychiatrists has been to cruelly and brutally use the stigmatization of psychiatric labels and kangaroo civil court cases used to legalize psychiatric tyranny to refuse to allow people to achieve at what they are best trained and capable of doing with their lives. The bottom line is the psychiatrists sadistically insist people they turn into their patients can not achieve much of anything if anything at all in the academic and work world when in fact their victims are often very sensitive and intelligent people who could do great in just about anything in life if not for intervention by the psychiatrists themselves. As a matter of fact most of the victims of the psychiatrists are far more sensitive to the emotional needs of other people than psychiatrists and could in fact provide far superior mental health care services if offered the opportunity to do so. This is not at all surprising since the psychiatrists actually create mental illness for a living and actually have nothing at all to do with the provision of mental health care. The chronically abusive US Department of Justice sadistically endorses the cruel and life threatening blacklists of the psychiatrists therefore helping these glorified quacks create and enforce life threatening poverty in their victims.