Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Intentional Misdiagnoses of Bipolar Disorder Are Used For Sadistic Torture Of People Over Money In The USA

 The pathetically sadistic American psychiatrists have been using the intentional misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in order to sadistically torture their victims over money. The unscientific description of this disorder includes in the worthless texts of the psychiatrists a position that people with bipolar disorder over-spend. However, it is the psychiatrists themselves who with their own fraudulent labels and legalization of their quackery in swift, fixed, kangaroo civil court proceedings with malicious intent move to undermine the earning capacity of their victims who are generally far more intelligent and sensitive human beings than they are capable of being. Than when people get pushed to the limit financially due to anticipated rising prices due to inflation, real illness in the family, and unanticipated problems such as car repairs, the psychiatrists move in with the police over their unavoidable debts and insist their victims need to be in their mental hospital concentration camps and on their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, such as lithium, abilify, and neuroleptics. The bottom line is the victims of this tyranny simply need the opportunities to earn more money which they deserve like everyone else. Yet the diabolically insane psychiatrists and the criminally abusive US Department of Justice work around the clock to sadistically keep victims of psychiatry from getting the career opportunities they have earned and deserve and from earning a decent amount of money, if any money at all. The psychiatrists and US Department of Justice put the victims of this tyranny down as animals who lack feelings and move in to totally ruin what is left of their careers and lives over their rising credit debt instead of assisting them to simply earn more money. Actually the victims of psychiatry who refuse to give into becoming lifetime slaves of the psychiatrists are being intentionally murdered with financial pressure in a sadistic society which generally goes along with abusing people who have been tragically stigmatized by psychiatrists.