Monday, February 15, 2016

The diabolically insane American psychiatrists work with the chronically abusive US government to seize every opportunity possible to ruin people's careers and lives

The trash American psychiatrists work with the US government to label men, women and children with horrible mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder if any little thing goes wrong in your life such as a harmless verbal argument with your spouse, parents, children, friends, or others, a bad night's sleep due something like too little exercise that day, too much caffeine, or valid concerns about the troubled state of affairs in the world, a not so good consensual legal sexual encounter with your lover due to real life stressors, a take down by a professional prostitute at a cocktail lounge at a nice place like the Hilton, an enormous bill to repair your car, a computer breakdown of your favorite and expensive Lenovo or Apple MacBook, dropping your iPhone, a bad cold or flu, refusal of a job you know you deserve, or anything else out of the ordinary in life. There is no privacy left in an America which is under 24/7 satellite drone surveillance and so don't be surprised if Uncle Sam has questions about what are supposed to be even the most private aspects of your life.  The intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness associated with such intrusions into your personal life are used to ruin the academic and work interests of people due to cruel stigmatization and blacklists. This leads to painfully wasted lives for people who could have otherwise had active, productive, and healthy lives.