Saturday, February 6, 2016

The US feds, cops and judges work with psychiatrists and psychologists to terrorize the public

The United States has become a brutal Psychiatric Terrorist Police State where daily targets of the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" are terrorized. It is pure propaganda to say the US government has affirmative mental health care goals in mind in dealing with this scheme which results in cruel and damaging stigmatization with mythical psychiatric labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder which have no scientific credibility, organized government endorsed bullying campaigns in schools and at work, and deadly blacklists of the vital financial interests of the victims of this tyranny. Intense satellite driven electronic stalking and dangerous badgering coupled with drugging with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into mental hospital concentration camps and death chamber jails are all built into this deadly paradigm. Men, women and children victimized by this brutal intervention generally have wasted lives and often end up surviving in poverty and dying premature and painful deaths instead of living the productive and healthy lives they were capable of experiencing because they were targeted by this legalized terrorism.