Monday, February 8, 2016

The USA is a terrorist Psychiatric Police State which thrives on making people sick and keeping people sick

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists along with their personal judges are criminally insane sadists who thrive off of making men, women and children sick and keeping them sick. These sadistic tyrants have been using electronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, organized bullying campaigns, life threatening blacklists, and other abuses to sadistically make men, women and children very sick. Than when the victims of these abuses realize what has happened and they get themselves better naturally with a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition the psychopathic monsters responsible for these abuses move into their lives and say but the targets of their tyranny were sick in the past and they dangerously shut down all possibilities for their victims to move ahead in their lives. In this manner a locked in system of tyranny is created. Insofar as people who may have benefited from some type of humane natural mental health care initially that certainly is not what they will get from the psychopathic monsters responsible for generating illness in order to fuel the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"