Friday, July 8, 2016

Men, women and children are being sacrificed to the psychiatric system in the USA!

The lives of creative, intelligent, emotionally warm, peace loving, and law abiding people are being brutally sacrificed to the American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death on a daily basis. There is actually no rational basis for brainwashing or forcing the victims of psychiatry to see psychiatrists if considerations of their actual mental health and well being are taken into consideration since the psychiatrists never commit themselves to doing anything affirmative for patients. Instead the system has been set up to make human sacrifices out of decent men, women and children in order to fuel the sadistic pleasures and greed of everyone involved in the American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death. This lucrative system of tyranny is in action around the clock with lifetimes of literal hell being created for anyone who is sacrificed into it as the psychiatric system prioritizes feeding off of their lives instead of nurturing mental wellness and independence!