Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The USA has become a criminal terrorist psychiatric police state!

The American psychiatrists are not actually the doctors of the men, women and children they butcher daily. These leeches of society have devised a cruel system wherein they make a fortune helping the US feds, cops, states and courts simply dispose of nice people daily in what is actually the largest silent genocide of men, women and children in world history. Other doctors and nurses often help the psychiatrists butcher victims of this tyranny based on sadism, for financial kickbacks to help fix swift kangaroo civil court proceedings against the targets of this tyranny, and to help secure their lucrative professional positions in a hypocritically cruel country where the US government has made it clear that just like in Communist countries people are thrown out of school and work and into the nations concentration camp jails and mental hospitals or into the streets to die horrible deaths if they do not support brutal government policies and actions along these lines. There has never been such a horrible legalization of the use of the medical profession to enslave, torture and murder people since the Nazis were in power in Germany with the exception that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis targeted primarily Jewish people and in the USA wealthy Jewish doctors and other wealthy Jews work with the government. Essentially therefore under all common sense notions of criminality under international law the USA has become a criminal terrorist nation with the American psychiatrists and other doctors and nurses who support them right at the heart of the creation of this deadly nightmare. MandelNews.com