Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Claims by psychiatrists that they are involved in mental health care are actually fraud!

The psychiatrists are criminally insane sociopaths who keep insisting they are experts in mental health care when in fact they actually have nothing to do with that. Everything psychiatrists do with people who are unfortunate enough to be their patients is actually highly destructive and creates intense pain and suffering for huge profits. The US federal government, state governments and judiciary have proven they are actually terrorist entities by endorsing the tyrannical quackery of American psychiatrists. A similar situation exists in other countries worldwide. The most well funded propaganda machine of it's kind in world history has actually evolved around psychiatry with people across the USA and worldwide actually brainwashed into believing the psychiatrists are civilized, well educated professionals who have something positive to offer people. Actually it is criminal fraud for the psychiatrists to put themselves across as helping people with their mental health when in actuality these leeches of society suck the well being out of men, women and children for enormous profits. Most of the victims of psychiatry had the potential to be good citizens of the international community and to do just fine in the world if not for the psychiatrists themselves.