Monday, October 24, 2016

Medical school professors have set a legal precedent of working with psychiatrists to slaughter students and physicians they have messed up in dealing with!

The late Dr Jack Edeiken, a previous Chairman of Radiology at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and staff radiologist at the University of Texas School of Medicine, left as his legacy a legal precedent of working with psychiatrists to totally destroy the careers and lives of medical students and doctors medical schools make errors in dealing with. In order to cover up the potential very negative impact on the reputation of medical educators in dealing with revelations of unfair testing procedures at Jefferson Medical College and other medical schools Dr Edeiken worked with psychiatrists to have whistle blower medical students and physicians whose careers were harmed by this intentionally misdiagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and completely ruined due to the associated stigmatization. Medical students at Jefferson and other medical schools who are well connected in alumni families are generally given exact copies of exams by their parents which are repeated year after year. This throws off the curves on the exams with very bright students who were not given the same advantage doing poorly or actually failing exams. In order to blame this on something wrong with the medical students or physicians who did not do as well as they are clearly capable of doing Dr Edeiken worked with psychiatrists to have them labelled as mentally ill and the courts backed up forced, degrading and very damaging psychiatric intervention in such cases. This has set a lasting horrible legal precedent in dealing with bad educators and psychiatry both inside and outside of the medical profession.