Sunday, October 9, 2016

There is a culture of destructive filthy lying built into the psychiatric system!

The US feds and cops have undermined all possibility of respect from victims of psychiatry and mental health care human rights activists by sadistically accepting a culture of dangerous filthy lying in the psychiatric system. Pleasant, mild mannered human rights activists and poor people are often intentionally incited with badgering and electronic torture to appear to behave unusually. Than to make matters catastrophically worse the very people responsible for this simply make up filthy lies such as insisting the targets of this tyranny did something horrible such as beating up their parents or children in reverse whom they actually generally love very much. Another favored lie to assist in catastrophically ruining the victims of psychiatry is to insist they made legitimate threats against the lives of presidents and others when in fact these people are generally peaceful mild mannered people who wouldn't harm anyone accept perhaps in self-defense if they are violently assaulted. The diabolically insane psychiatrists accept all of this with claims they wouldn't be able to force the targets of these terror tactics into treatment unless everyone lies, which doesn't make sense because there is actually no good reasons for them to be forced into treatment and destroyed with the associated legal actions and stigmatization. This culture of sadistic filthy lying results in careers, families and fortunes being ruined and literally stolen from nice, capable people who than usually die horrible deaths alone on the streets or in the mental hospital concentration camps. The targets of this cruelty are told they suffer from psychosis and don't remember the horrible things they have done when in fact no such horrible things were done by them. The psychiatrists nevertheless insist they need potent and destructive psychiatric drugs to deal with the psychosis they don't even suffer from.