Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The "American Psychiatric Abuse Clique" is made up of criminally insane psychopaths whose reasons for torturing their victims are worse than the Communists!

 If in fact there was anything like a democratic system with a commitment to freedom intact in the USA it would be a given that as the propaganda about the country insists in such a system it is not acceptable to persecute citizens based on affiliations to legitimate oppositional political parties. And so in the often silent Cold War of nerves which exists between the USA and the Communist powers of China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba the propagandists for the US government often highlight how oppressive a one party system in the Communist world is. Although it is true that the Communists do arrest and prosecute citizens for supporting oppositional political parties in their countries, and although this is not a desirable course of action to Americans and others worldwide who like to believe there is at least a semblance of actual democracy in their countries, nevertheless at least the cards are on the table so to speak in the Communist world with an understanding of what is acceptable and not acceptable under their legal systems. In the USA and other so called free countries such as Great Britain and France, the cards are not on the table regarding why and when the destructive psychiatric system moves in to waste the careers, fortunes and lives of decent people and their families. The reasoning behind the stigmatizing psychiatric labels themselves are generally not clear at all. And although the so called free world insists at least politics are not an issue, there are scores of people beaten up daily and railroaded into the mental hospital concentration camp systems for nothing more than cursing the incompetence of the politicians in confronting life and death issues and abuses in their countries. The "American Psychiatric Abuse Clique" is unusually aggressive about instituting the tyranny of psychiatry to secure freedom, democracy and wealth for themselves and a very small sector of extremely wealthy elitists in the country while wiping out lifetimes of hard work along with the dreams and aspirations of men, women and children who make up most of the other people in the country. Essentially a system within a system has been set up in the USA by criminally insane sadistic psychopaths who have figured out that with the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry it is possible to brutally crack down on the freedom and well being of activists, poor people and others and still insist they are civilized people who after all are working with professionals. The "American Psychiatric Abuse Clique" is made up primarily of the diabolically insane American psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, along with other doctors and nurses who choose to work with them, the US feds, cops and their personal judges. While historians keep insisting the world will learn lessons if we keep re-teaching the horrors of Nazi holocaust, the slaughter in Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, and the alleged mass murders by ISIS, the world has nevertheless been tragically ignoring the tens of millions of innocent men, women and children who have been tortured and slaughtered by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" and similar abusive psychiatric systems in allied countries of the USA. This slaughter of humanity in the name of the extreme wealth of the trash psychiatrists and their supporters continues at this moment! MandelNews.com