Monday, May 29, 2017

The US feds, states, courts and psychiatrists have the people in the USA well trained to support their joint tyranny!

It has become clearer than ever before in recent years that the USA ranks among the biggest frauds in world history wherein the nation insists it is a democracy with equal opportunity and justice for all, and which in reality is the farthest thing from the truth ever imaginable. This is being seen in the intensity of frequent protests by oppressed people across the USA. The despair of struggling to survive a myriad of social, financial and legal injustices in an oppressive system which has deceived them shows in their faces. What is not as apparent on the surface is that the "American Psychiatric Industry of Torture and Death" is right at the heart of this problem. In fact in an interview prior to his death Dr Thomas Szasz, who was instrumental in founding the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, commented that the problem with psychiatry is bigger than you may think. It certainly is. The desire and power of the psychiatrists to steal the freedoms of as many men, women and children as possible across the USA and to profit greatly from this has permeated every sector of the American society. The poor are the most likely targets of this tyranny. However the wealthy and powerful are sometimes targeted by this tyranny if they support mental health care human rights and other activist positions, in which cases they will have to fight hard to preserve their wealth. Sometimes the wealthy and powerful are also targeted for psychiatric take downs when greedy family members want to try to steal their assets. Wealthy and powerful individuals and business entities across the USA are generally afraid to join the fight against psychiatry due to legitimate fears the US feds and states may move against their financial interests to weaken them if they fail to support the tyranny of the psychiatric system which the federal government and states have instituted for social control. And the poor are generally terrified that if they do not show support for this treachery they and their children will be targeted for brutal psychiatric take downs to silence them. Essentially with the creation of this locked in system of tyranny the American psychiatrists have helped the US federal government, states and courts quietly undermine all concepts of democracy, justice, and equal opportunity for all people across the USA, while making puppets out of most of the people in the country, which has clearly been their desire all along. Those who are protesting this system have often been hit from behind by these abuses, have watched someone they are close to terrorized in such manners, or have simply hit a boiling over point of pure disgust in dealing with an American system which has been becoming more and more corrupt and brutal daily for a long time!