Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The American psychiatrists and their supporters do not want their victims to be sponsored properly to live well in their own country!

The American psychiatrists rank among the worse trash in American society whose dangerous elitist attitudes are carried with them both inside and outside of their offices. Knowing full well that it takes recognition of accomplishments in life with proper financial remuneration to empower people and enable them to live healthy and happy lives the criminally insane American psychiatrists work aggressively to wipe these things out of the lives of their victims. Recognition of success and money can both help prevent and cure unstable states of mind and this is precisely why the psychiatrists want these dimensions wiped out of the lives of people unfortunate enough to see them as patients as the psychiatrists work on creating chronic states of dysphoria which mimic mental illness in their patients so they can feed off of them. Essentially as the American psychiatrists work aggressively to stigmatize their victims and ruin their careers they are implying they do not have the right to be sponsored to live well in their own country, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. Yet most of the victims of psychiatry are perfectly sane, law abiding, and intellectually and emotionally intelligent people. People who may be suffering from some type of emotional problems also of course deserve to be treated better and given a chance at recovery. And even people who may have broken the law are being subjected to what is actually cruel and unusual punishment by the psychiatrists with no chance to be reformed and re-enter society even in the absence of serious crimes. Psychiatric nurses, many other doctors and nurses, US feds, cops, psychiatric court judges and people in other walks of life often support the sadistic tyrannical quackery of the American psychiatrists. MandelNews.com