Friday, November 17, 2017

"Bullies and imbeciles who have made it to the top use psychiatry to crush more sophisticated and intelligent people who question their success"

Bullies and imbeciles like the psychiatrists themselves along with other doctors and nurses who work with psychiatrists and people with similar attributes in other walks of life use psychiatry to brutally crush ethical, law abiding, peaceful, creative, and emotionally and intellectually intelligent people who raise questions about them. Dangerous unscientific labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are carelessly thrown around to stigmatize the targets of this tyranny. The debilitating psychiatric interventions including the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps along with sexual assaults and beatings are also part of the mainstay of psychiatric interventions aimed at destroying, not helping, targets of psychiatry. US feds, cops and their personal judges generally share the same character traits as the diabolically insane psychiatrists which explains why they generally get along so well together and work together to enforce their joint tyranny to brutally crackdown on dissent. This all generally results in devastated careers, personal lives and financial stability of the victims of psychiatry. Overall this has lead to the development of a sick society in the USA and elsewhere where the "Best and Brightest" in society are often brutally pushed to the bottom of society by psychiatry as dangerous and ignorant brutes are often in control of things!