Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"The mainstay psychiatric drugs, neuroleptics, always cause far more harm than good"

The psychiatrists have claimed the neuroleptic class of so called antipsychotic drugs have been the biggest breakthrough in mental health care. However, the use of these dangerous drugs is based on subjective assumptions about the mental well being of men, women and children and they do not actually target any scientifically confirmed illness. The blockade of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter, in the brains of people given this drug causes a loss of the sensation of pleasure. This always leads to apathy, lack of initiative and limited range of emotion ultimately resulting in severe drug induced depression. Furthermore, aside from acute dystonic reactions, which are a dangerous form of seizure activity, these drugs often lead to irreversible tardive dyskinesia, which is a permanent neurological impairment similar to Parkinson's disease, when taken long term. Clearly the psychiatrists are playing with fire when they claim there is too much dopamine in the brains of people they prescribe these poisons to. There are no lab tests to measure the appropriate levels of dopamine in a person's brain and clearly the consistency of dangerous side effects from these drugs implies it is very dangerous to block dopamine receptors in anyone's brain. Even in people fortunate enough to get off these toxic drugs before irreversible tardive dyskinesia sets in their lives are generally completely ruined because they ruin relationships, mess up in school and perform poorly at and quit important jobs under the influence neuroleptics due to the lack of experiencing normal pleasure and emotional rewards. Millions upon millions of people across the USA alone have been turned into chronic zombies by neuroleptics or their careers and lives have been catastrophically ruined because they at one time took these drugs. Yet the FDA has continued to leave the neuroleptics on a list of drugs for acceptable clinical use and unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies have continued to mass produce them for decades. This has all been fueling the ever more lucrative and powerful "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" and similar abusive psychiatric systems worldwide!