Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"The US psychiatric system has a focus on trying to make innocent targets of its tyranny suffer from financial deprivation!"

The US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges make up a terrorist click which sadistically inflicts as much pain and suffering as possible on the innocent targets of their joint tyranny. A primary goal of these cruel psychopaths is to attempt to make their victims suffer as much economic hardship as possible in the process of manufacturing states of being which mimic mental illness. Academic pursuits, career interests and investments of the targets of psychiatric tyranny are sabotaged as far as possible. Knowing full well that people need economic freedom to enjoy true freedom and good health the monsters responsible for this tyranny have the financial interests of law abiding targets of their ignorant barbarism chosen as a first line of attack against them. The poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs along with railroading into mental hospital concentration camps and police beatings and false arrests are used to help in the crippling and slow painful murders of the victims of the senseless American psychiatric genocide campaigns. Overall this paints an accurate picture of the USA as ranking among the most ignorant, brutal, unjust and criminal nations in world history!