Thursday, January 25, 2018

"FBI agents, cops, psychiatrists, and other doctors are arrogantly breaking federal and state laws together daily!"

Although the flaws inherent in the practice of psychiatry are considerable the lawmakers at both federal and state levels often boast that at least the rights of people scarred by psychiatry are protected under the law. It appears true that there are federal and state laws across the USA that are meant to protect people who are innocent of serious crimes if any crimes at all from job discrimination and other forms of discrimination. However, behind the lines the FBI, police, psychiatrists and other doctors routinely enforce humiliating and highly damaging blacklists and other forms of deadly discrimination against victims of psychiatry. Furthermore, the FBI and police have been keeping human rights activist targets of psychiatric take downs under intense satellite drone electronic surveillance which is also being used to badger them around the clock. Along with organized public ridicule campaigns this is being done to help in the manufacturing of mental illness with locked in systems of tyranny which often drives its victims and their families to premature deaths from created and enforced financial deprivation and suicides!