Saturday, January 27, 2018

"The USA is a Psychiatric Police State Torture & Killing Machine!"

The legalization of psychiatry in the USA has left the door open for tragically ignorant psychopaths to enter the medical profession and rise to positions of extreme wealth and power. This state of affairs has also left the door open for likewise tragically ignorant psychopaths to enter every realm of law enforcement from the FBI to the police and the judiciary. By taking the position that the consistently destructive discipline of psychiatry deserves respect from the people under the law the lawmakers themselves have created a terrorist nation which essentially wastes the lives of innocent, intelligent, emotionally warm, creative and peaceful men, women and children daily to further the financial interests of tyrannical psychopaths. No nation which has turned all internationally recognized concepts of human decency around like this can be a great nation as politicians who endorse such tyranny often insist America is!