Wednesday, January 3, 2018

"Psychiatry has made medical education and sectors of the mainstream medical profession in the USA a scam"

 It turns out to be more a matter of how much money and power you have and who you know instead of your accomplishments and what you know when there are considerations of gaining an acceptance to the American medical schools and thereafter doing well. The psychiatrists are always available to intentionally misdiagnose any well educated person who challenges this fixed system with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. These are the two popular lethal labels which the psychiatrists and their friends in the medical profession reserve for their biggest problems. All along who ends up on which side of the swift, fixed civil kangaroo court proceedings which are used to legalize intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness across the USA is also a fix based on the same factors which are used to determine acceptance into the medical schools and good opportunities with financial success in the mainstream medical profession thereafter!