Thursday, May 10, 2018

"American psychiatrists are the wealthiest professional con artists in history"

The American psychiatrists are smooth talking con artists who profit greatly from the intense pain and suffering which they intentionally inflict men, women and children with. They consistently insist that they prioritize the mental health and overall well being of men, women and children who are unfortunate enough to see them as patients and yet they consistently display at total lack of regard for the human rights and overall health and well being of patients. The toxic attitudes of psychiatrists coupled with their close relationship with the US Department of Justice generally leads to the total destruction of the lives of people both while under their so-called care and thereafter. The American psychiatrists and US Department of Justice generally literally create lifetimes of hell for anyone who has seen a psychiatrist, even when they are law abiding people. As a matter of fact being terrorist styled sadistic criminals themselves the American psychiatrists and US Department of Justice people generally are the most brutal in dealing with peaceful people in society who are unusually ethical and law abiding!