Saturday, May 19, 2018

"Electronic warfare is a favored method of madness of the US psychiatric system"

The terrorist US feds and cops have been using satellite drone electronic warfare to induce unusual thoughts, feelings and actions in innocent targets of their sadistic hostilities. They have than been calling ahead to psychiatrists whom they railroad their victims into seeing and advising them the trendy labels of schizophrenia ad bipolar disorder are best for their victims and that they should be treated with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs. This is done with a desire to see the victims of this tyranny acutely and chronically severely harmed by these drugs. The diabolically insane psychiatrists go along with this lucrative gravy train created by the feds and police. The US feds and cops also contact everyone the targets of their barbarism are in touch with, including family members, friends and employers, and advise them not to deal with them as normal people. The final goal of all of this abuse is wasted lives along with financial deprivation and serious illness and premature death in people who could have otherwise lead productive and healthy lives!