Friday, May 4, 2018

"The American psychiatrists have created a government endorsed hate group"

While insisting they stand for human decency the American psychiatrists themselves have created a well funded and powerful hate group. This hate of creative and unique people intensifies the damages from the already highly destructive pharmaceutical interventions of the psychiatrists which includes their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and beatings along with other abuses in their mental hospital concentration camps. The legalization of psychiatry with swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings aimed at making stigmatizing unscientific labels of mental illness hold for the remainder of the lives of innocent men, women and children is in itself an act of hate leading to social isolation, deadly blacklists, and financial marginalization in society all enforced by the psychiatrists themselves. A tragically abusive US Department of Justice along with other branches of the US federal government and state governments openly endorse and help to enforce the hate campaigns of psychiatrists!