Monday, October 1, 2018

"Psychiatric intervention causes and exacerbates depression!"

The arrogance and cruelty of the psychiatrists themselves coupled with the brutality of their interventions and toxic nature of their drugs causes and exacerbates depression. This is very dangerous with many victims of psychiatric tyranny resolving to commit suicide if they are ever confronted with the possibility of seeing psychiatrists again. Furthermore, this clearly means that the entire medical-legal system in dealing with the highly sensitive issue of possible suicide attempts is all wrong. If someone you care for is suspected of a suicide attempt the only legal expedient way to try to save them is a 911 call which leads to psychiatric intervention. Unless the entire mental health care system is overhauled with alternative treatment options built into 911 emergency calls, and this is not likely in the corrupt system which has lead things in this direction, the only answer to this serious problem is to remain highly supportive of someone you care for in such an emergency setting and work with them on as speedy a release from the hospital as possible. You can than offer help with humane natural mental health care interventions with the assistance of qualified non-psychiatric professionals who have an interest in this area!