Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Psychiatrists use allegations less serious than those against Kavanaugh to crush people!"

Psychiatrists are like overly aggressive federal agents and cops who will attempt to use anything you say against you to steal your rights in court. This of course makes it impossible for psychiatrists to actually develop a therapeutic relationship with anyone. As a matter of fact the allegations used against really decent men, women and children to solidify damaging cases of mental illness against them are often less serious in nature than the allegations which have been made against Judge Kavanaugh, who has been nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States by President Trump. The allegations are generally inconsequential or completely fabricated and yet they lead to erroneous legal labeling of people with the trendy entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These labels which have been popularized by the psychiatrists themselves in cheap tabloids are very damaging for the personal, social, academic, career, and financial interests of people!