Sunday, October 14, 2018

"The USA is a brutal Psychiatric Welfare State!"

The terrorist US government pays US feds and cops who work with the diabolically insane American psychiatrists extremely well to literally torture sane activists, poor people & others 24/7 while the generally well educated and peaceful targets of this tyranny suffer in created and enforced poverty. Clearly not just American styled democracy but also American styled capitalism are pathetically dangerous frauds which are constructed around the painful slaughters of the majority of the people by the extremely wealthy and privileged minority who endorse psychiatric tyranny for enormous profits. This is basically what American psychiatry is all about wherein the wealthy grow wealthier daily feeding off of the extreme hardships which they create and nurture daily for the poor in the deadly American Psychiatric Welfare State. And all along the arrogant manners of enforcement of the filthy abuses inherent in psychiatry by the feds, cops and psychiatrists shows that they are brutal hoodlums who are as dangerous as members of armed street gangs. Clearly there is no actual interest in the mental health and overall welfare of the majority of the people in this filthy system of profitable abuses!