Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"The US government & psychiatrists are lying to the public about psychiatry!"

The US government and American psychiatrists are heavily invested in propaganda aimed at making the general public believe psychiatrists are experts in mental health care and are working in the best interests of people unfortunate enough to see them as patients. Psychiatry is a highly destructive discipline which consistently ruins potentially productive lives and even often leads to literal brain damage in people. Mild mannered human rights activists who are innocent of any criminal wrongdoing are persecuted by psychiatrists while monsters and thieves who feed off of inflicting decent men, women and children with intense degrees of emotional and physical pain and suffering while stealing their potential in life and their money are protected. Psychiatrists do not work in the best interests of the mental health of individuals as is claimed, they instead work in the best interests of distorted concepts of social mental health care to help fuel the powerful "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"