Friday, February 1, 2019

"The USA has lost the respect of the world because of psychiatry"

Although activists worldwide understand that psychiatry is an inherently destructive discipline that consistently causes far more harm than good, this realization causes unusual degrees of distress when dealing with the USA which is a nation that insists it stands on a moral high ground in dealing with human rights issues. The American psychiatrists are a particularly elitist arrogant group of intransigent monsters who are willing to sacrifice kids from loving parents, and elderly parents and grandparents from loving kids in order to manufacture and enforce their subjective concepts of mental illness. This is of course all done for enormous profits in mind. The legalization of psychiatry in all 50 states with swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony used to help enforce destructive psychiatric intervention and stigmatization of innocent people has made a complete mockery out of all concepts of law and order and justice in the USA. These sham cases are simply used to sadistically ruin lives of decent people in a conveyor belt manner. Terror tactics are being used to enforce psychiatry and to demand respect for psychiatry across the country. With the sensitive human mind being dealt with in such inhumane manners by the trash American psychiatrists, who have a monopoly on mental health care in the country, people worldwide justifiably fear the USA as more and more irrational hostility is seen as coming from every sector of the country. The brutal enforcement of the tyrannical quackery of the American psychiatrists by the consistently more and more abusive US feds and cops has completely eroded respect for the US Department of Justice across the world, which is instead seen as a powerful US Department of Inhumane Injustices!