Thursday, February 7, 2019

"The USA has created a brutal Psychiatric Torture & Killing Machine"!

While well educated, ethical, law abiding and pleasant people lead wasted lives because of the American psychiatrists, not because of mental illness, the monsters responsible for this tragedy are making a fortune. Around the clock satellite drones are being used to violate the privacy rights of decent people in their homes. This is coupled with sadistic electronic warfare zapped into their brains aimed at manufacturing and exacerbating mental illness. Unusual thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are elicited from the targets of this tyranny with this electronic warfare in order to help in the nurturing of mental illness. The American psychiatrists welcome these and other abuses aimed at railroading men, women and children into their lucrative and very painful and destructive psychiatric intervention both in their mental hospital concentration camps and in their offices. There is a silent policy by the terrorist US government and psychiatrists to stigmatize targets of this tyranny as being mentally ill for life once they get their hands on them. Public humiliation campaigns organized by the US government and psychiatrists coupled with deadly blacklists lead to horrible marginalized lives for victims of the American "Psychiatric Torture & Killing Machine"!